
HEGO offers more than 150 different medicinal plants in fresh and dried condition. Many of the products are also available in organic quality.

Fresh plants
fresh medicinal herbs as a basis for pharmaceutical drug manufacture

Dried medicinal herbs (drugs)
cut or as a whole plant for further processing as tea, spice or raw material for pharmaceutical processing

for further propagation of medicinal plants or for sowing flowering areas and flower meadows

Natural Dyes
for the production of natural dyes (natural colours)

Green roofs
for realizing design ideas on buildings

as an educational and interesting wild herb hike


Product name Sort ascending German plant name Bio
Prunus spinosa fructus Schlehdorn
Prunus spinosa flos Schlehdorn
Prunus laurocerasus folium Lorbeerkirsche
Primula veris herba Echte Schlüsselblume
Primula veris flos Echte Schlüsselblume
Potentilla erecta radix Blutwurz
Potentilla erecta herba Blutwurz
Potentilla anserina herba Gänsefingerkraut
Populus tremula summitas Ziterpappel
Populus tremula folium Ziterpappel
Populus tremula cortex Ziterpappel
Polytrichum commune herba Goldenes Frauenhaarmoos
Polypodium vulgare herba Gewöhnlicher Tüpfelfarn
Polygonum aviculare herba Vogelknöterich
Polygonatum odoratum rhizoma Echtes Salomonssiegel
Polygonatum multiflorum rhizoma Vielblütige Weißwurz
Plantanus cortex Plantane
Plantago major planta tota Breitwegerich
Plantago major herba Breitwegerich
Plantago lanceolata herba Spitzwegerich
Pinus sylvestris folium Waldkiefer
Pimpinella saxifraga radix Kleine Bibernelle
Pimpinella major radix Große Bibernelle
Picea abies summitas Gemeine Fichte
Physalis alkekengi fructus Lampionblume
Phyllitis scolopendrium folium Hirschzungenfarn
Petroselinum crispum herba Petersilie
Petasites hybridus radix Gewöhnliche Pestwurz
Petasites hybridus folium et flos Gewöhnliche Pestwurz
Petasites hybridus flos Gewöhnliche Pestwurz
Persicaria hydropiper herba Wasserpfeffer
Pastinaca sativa semen Pastinak
Passiflora incarnata herba Winterharte Passionsblume
Paris quadrifolia planta tota Einbeere
Papaver rhoeas flos Klatschmohn
Paeonia officinalis rhizoma Gemeine Pfingstrose
Oxalis acetosella planta tota Waldsauerklee
Oxalis acetosella herba Waldsauerklee
Ornithogalum umbellatum bulbus Dolden-Milchstern
Origanum vulgare herba Oregano
Onopordum acanthium semen Gewöhnliche Eselsdistel
Ononis spinosa herba Dornige Hauhechel
Oenothera biennis semen Gemeine Nachtkerze
Oenothera biennis herba Gemeine Nachtkerze
Ocimum canum herba Amerikanisches Basilikum
Ocimum canum folium Amerikanisches Basilikum
Nuphar lutea rhizoma Gelbe Teichrose
Nicotiana tabacum folium Virginischer Tabak
Nerium oleander folium Oleander
Myosotis arvensis semen Acker-Vergissmeinnicht