Organic certification
As early as 2000, HEGO was one of the first companies in the business of wild collection to be certified by the control institute LACON GmbH according to the guidelines of the European Union's organic regulation. Since then, a large number of medicinal herbs have been harvested and marketed in organic quality.
The organic certified wild collection is subject to similarly strict criteria as the organic farming. It must be proven that no mineral fertilizers or chemical pesticides have been applied to the harvested areas within a certain period of time. In addition, no genetically modified organisms (GMO) may be used. Compliance with these strict requirements is carried out through regular audits by the control institutes. The exact collection locations are recorded by means of area declarations, thus enabling seamless control of the origin of the plants.
In addition to organic certified wild collection, HEGO also offers a variety of medicinal and aromatic plants from controlled organic agriculture. HEGO's cultivation partners are checked by independent control institutes and can prove the status of the plant with valid organic certificates.
Regardless of the organic certification, HEGO does not use any mineral fertilizers or chemicals when collecting medicinal plants in the wild.